Fibromyalgia is a pathological condition distinguished by extensive musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbances, memory impairments, and mood swings. Scholars hypothesize that fibromyalgia may exacerbate painful sensations through interference with the brain and spinal cord's processing of painful and nonpainful signals.
Symptoms frequently manifest after a traumatic incident, surgical procedure, infection, or substantial psychological strain. In other instances, symptoms accumulate progressively over time and are not precipitated by a single event.

Males have a lower incidence of fibromyalgia than females. A considerable number of individuals diagnosed with fibromyalgia concurrently experience temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, and melancholy.
Numerous researchers believe that fibromyalgia patients' brains and spinal cords change in response to repetitive nerve stimulation. An abnormal increase in levels of specific pain-signaling compounds in the brain characterizes this change.

Additionally, it appears that the pain receptors in the brain become sensitized, or capable of overreacting to both painful and nonpainful signals, and develop a type of memory of the pain.

There are probably numerous contributing factors to these alterations, which may include:
  • The genetic component. Due to the hereditary nature of fibromyalgia, specific genetic mutations might increase your risk of developing the condition.
  • Infections. Certain conditions seem to induce or worsen fibromyalgia.
  • Physical or emotional events. Fibromyalgia may occasionally be precipitated by a physical incident, such as an automobile collision. Additionally, chronic psychological tension may precipitate the condition.
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