Roksolana Voitovych

Specialty, qualification, academic degree
clinical psychologist

Medical practice
Practice as a psychologist since 1997

clinical diagnostics, psychological counseling, psychotherapy sessions - in person and online.

Admission before/after 18 years of age
different age groups: children, adolescents, adults and the elderly.

  • higher education, Ivan Franko State University of Lviv, specializing in psychology, practitioner, teacher, Danylo Halytskyi National University of Lviv - certification in clinical psychology.
  • 5-year project in psychotherapy in the field of Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler.
  • Certification of qualifications:
  • Ministry of Health of Ukraine with a degree in psychology "specialist of the highest category"
  • MNU with a degree in practical psychology "specialist of the highest category"

Training, certifications
  • She completed an internship at the departments of the psychiatric hospital in Twardki, Krakow. She had an internship experience at the Department of Combat Stress in Bydgoszcz, Poland).
  • Constantly improves her professional level at thematic courses and webinars. Participates in scientific professional conferences. Participant of conferences and seminars and one of the organizers of the 28th International Congress of Individual Psychology, which was held for the first time in Lviv.


Experimental psychological research, testing by a clinical psychologist
1200 UAH/visit
Repeated consultation
25% discount
Make an appointment
If you choose treatment in our clinic, the doctor consultation is free.
The cost of the consultation will cover part of the treatment course.
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Brainspot 2021-2024
Lviv, Ukraine,
127 Zamarstynivska St.
(entrance from Torfyana St)